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Hunting Camp Tips

4 min read

Many factors are critical to the success of your hunt, and your hunting camp ranks high on the list. While you can overcome minor inconveniences easily, major obstacles might dampen or end your hunting trip. There are various types of hunting camps depending on the terrain, time of the year, or whether it is aĀ guided hunting tripĀ or not.

When it comes to hunting camps, below are some of the key tips and information you should keep in mind.

Hunter in the woods


  • PACK:Ā  Packing no more than 200 pounds per hunter is recommended, so knowing what you need to bring is crucial. Some practice hikes and a quality backpack can help ensure a better packing-in experience.
  • SCOUT:Ā  If you want to find the right place to set up camp, it would be best to scout locations using terrain or topographical maps and aerial images. The expertise and knowledge of your fellow hunter can also go a long way.
  • WEATHER: While setting up camp, choosing one close to a water supply is great. However, being too close can also increase the risk of flooding. Ideally, you should opt for a flat rise around 200 yards from the water source.
  • SUN: When picking a tent site, it is important to consider the ground level. A slightly higher point for your camp can help ensure it remains dry. Also, keep the sun's direction in mind so you can position your tent to allow the dawning light to warm it in the morning.
  • TREE DANGER: When choosing a spot, be sure to look up for dead branches or widow makers. Clear them if possible or look for a different camping site. Use a pine branch to remove any clumps or rocks that might become tripping hazards.
    green hunting tent
  • HUNTING TENT: OneĀ unique approach for a huntingĀ tent is ourĀ bell tentsĀ vs. a wall tent (twoĀ bell tents, even better). This allows you to separate the sleeping and cooking areas. Remember that odors can linger in the tent's fabrics and the sleeping bags and might attract unwanted visitors. Burn any paper products or leftover food to prevent lingering odors.
bell tent hunt trip with hunter
  • HANGING GEAR:Ā Inside theĀ hunting tent, it would be best to keep everything off the ground. You can use hangers and hooks designed for wall tents or bell tents. You can also use a mini tripod with logs to hang items.
  • CARE FORĀ YOUR BOW: Keep the bows off the ground to avoid damage to your equipment and prevent a broadhead in the toe.
  • THE BED: If you can take a cot with you, all the better. Getting a good night's sleep is critical to feeling invigorated and having the energy to take on the day's challenges. A cot also allows you to regulate your temperature and stay off the cold ground.
  • SLEEPING GEAR:Ā Bring a pillow with you rather than just rolling up any jacket under your head. Ensure you also have a sleepingĀ bag that is warm and big enough. Avoid cheap mummy bags that can make you feel claustrophobic and leave you shivering all night long.
  • FLOOR: While a floor is not a requirement in a wall tent, it can increase your comfort. However, the floor should not cover the entire area as you will need space and clearance for the firewood and stove. Bell tents do have a floor, so you will want a fireproof mat under your stove. You will also need a mud area when entering the tent.
  • CAMP SAFETY: If youĀ need guy lines to stake your tent, it is recommended that you use a neon or reflective glow-in-the-dark rope. This is important, so you don't trip over any lines while carrying firewood or a loaded piece.
  • COOKING: Another important thing you should bring with you when camping is a skillet. If you want to add some soul and tradition to your camping trip, you should cook with a Dutch oven.
    hunting tent with stove in snow
  • WOOD STOVE SAFETY:Ā  Make sure that your canvas is fire retardant, youĀ should bringĀ a fireproof mat, clean firewood, a good wood axe, a firewood carrier and solid canvas tent stove.
  • CALORIES: A full meal in the morning is recommended to help you prepare for a day in the field. Peanut butter, jerky, and an energy bar would be great stand foods with high caloric values and can hold you over until dinner time. If your hunt is successful, you can cut the back straps and grill them so you can enjoy the spoils of the hunt.
  • FIELD DRESSING: After quartering and field dressing your prey, refrain from hanging the meat near camp. Build a scaffold dedicated to storing meat, or you can hang the meat from a cross-beam between the trees. Ideally, they should be at least 100 - 200 yards away so you can still see them, yet they are far enough to keep space between you and critters that might attempt to steal some late-night snacks.
  • FLY COVER: To help ensure you stay dry and shed snow, throw a slick fly over your tent. If there is no firewood where you are camping, consider bringing some from home. Scrap lumber will do.
  • COOLER CARE: It would be best to keep your coolers inside the tent by the sidewall during freezing weather. However, you also need to ensure that it is away from the stove. This is ideal, so it stays cool but unfrozen.
  • ENTERTAINMENT: Bring some books, cards, and other games with you if the weather keeps you in camp. This also ensures you can still have fun rather than just staying in the tent feeling frustrated.
  • KNIVES: No hunting camp is ever complete without different hunting knives. You need to have a knife or two on your belt. It is also recommended that you check out skinning and hunting knife solutions to be well equipped for any severe processing while at camp.


Making a great campsite and planning your hunt can be fun. However, it can also be stressful and time-consuming. Rather than doing all the work yourself, consider working with expert guides and outfitters to take all the headaches and hassles out of setting up camp and planning your trip. Learn moreĀ tips about camping atĀ Life inTents.



Brandy Lamb
Brandy Lamb

Father of two aspiring glampers, husband to one inspirational wife, and Co-Founder of Life inTents. Continuously striving to help make camping more comfortable.

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